Exploring the Theme of Pilgrimage
February 23, 2017Making a pilgrimage and walking a labyrinth have become popular activities today for increasing numbers of people. Whether of religious faith or of no religion, they seem equally to be seeking personal change, or spiritual growth, through these experiences. We are all pilgrims on a journey through life.
In five reflection evenings during Lent, we will explore the theme of pilgrimage.
9 March
Rev. Andy Bullen SJ: Pilgrimage, a metaphor for the human spiritual journey.
Graham Toomey: Spiritual journeying in Australian indigenous culture.
16 March
Geoffrey Gemmell, Mary McDearmid and TBA: Reflect on their experience of making a pilgrimage.
23 March
Rev. Edmund Campion: Christian pilgrimage over the centuries, some highlights.
Ahmed Hassan: Pilgrimage in Islam.
30 March
Emily Simpson, Donna Mulhearn and Tom Plaizier The Labyrinth, its practice and meaning for the spiritual life.
6 April
Ailsa Piper and Rev. Tony Doherty: A conversation between pilgrim and priest arising out of Ailsa's popular book, 'Sinning across Spain'.
The reflections will take place at the Grail Centre, 22 McHatton Street, North Sydney from 6:30pm to 8pm. Light refreshment will be available from 6pm. The Grail Centre is well served by public transport (bus and train) and 2-hour parking is available in McHatton Street.
Everyone is invited and welcome.
Cost: $8 per session (or what you can afford) | $30 for the entire series.
RSVP: Registration is essential for seating purposes. Please contact us via grailsydney@ozemail.com.au or (02) 9955 3053 by Monday 6 March.