Grail summer school in Portugal
August 9, 2016The Portuguese Grail summer programme of Women, Theology and Mystics was attended by 25 women in the beautiful and tranquil setting of the Grail house in Golega -- a town famous in Portugal as the site of the much less tranquil National Horse Fair every November.
Most participants at the Grail summer programme were Portuguese, but two women from Mozambique, one from the Netherlands and one from Australia gave the gathering an international flavour. Patricia Gemmell (Grail Sydney) was invited to give five talks on the call to ecological conversion and they were well received and appreciated. In her presentations she attempted to give a synthesis of the major themes currently appearing in ecological theology and addressed the question of what an ecological spirituality might look like. The talks will be repeated in Sydney some time next year.
See here for a condensed version of Patricia's lecture series, presented at Naremburn in May this year.