Much has been written of the opening words of Pope Francis’ latest encyclical, Fratelli tutti, expressing disappointment in this address to “brothers all”...
Gerald Arbuckle’s latest book is a useful tool for those engaged in discerning a way forward for the Catholic church in the light of the Plenary Council. It...
We are all familiar with Karl Rahner’s statement, “The Christian of the future will be a mystic or will not exist at all.” The more I advance on the...
Just as momentum was ramping up for the Plenary Council 2020, Covid-19 hit, Australia went into lockdown and suddenly life as we knew it stopped. The Plenary...
Written by Helen Dempster & Kayly Ober In October 2017, New Zealand’s (then) new minister for climate change, James Shaw, announced that the country was...
Women’s rights are challenged all over the world, however, women living in the Pacific face intersecting challenges that can make them all but invisible to the...