Stepping Into Silence During Advent 2017
November 22, 2017Silence, quiet, stillness often seem unattainable in our world of clamour.
In Advent, we are anticipating the celebration of the ongoing mystery of the incarnation.
At the time of Jesus’ birth, the town of Bethlehem was so crowded and the people so busy and preoccupied that they had no place or time for him.
And so, this Advent we have chosen the theme of silence for two evening reflections on Tuesday 5 and 12 December, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm at The Grail Centre in North Sydney. Light refreshments will be available at 6 pm.
Elizabeth Lee, a spiritual director and Grail member, has recently been contemplating this topic from a variety of perspectives. She will draw us into an experience of silence while exploring its role in the Judeo-Christian tradition and its current expression in contemporary life.
For more information or to register your interest, please contact: The Grail Centre on 9955 3053 or grailsydney@ozemail.com.au.